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Notice of the General Office of the State Council on optimizing and adjusting policies and measures to stabilize employment and fully promote development and benefit people's livelihood

2023-11-24 16:48:01

abstract:Notice of the General Office of the State Council on optimizing and adjusting policies and measures to stabilize employment and fully promote development and benefit people's livelihood. Guobanfa [2023] No. 11 The people's governments of provinces, auto

Notice of the General Office of the State Council on optimizing and adjusting policies and measures to stabilize employment and fully promote development and benefit people's livelihood

State Council issued [2023] No. 11

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, all ministries and commissions of the State Council, and all agencies directly under the State Council:

In order to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Economic Work Conference, and the national "Two Sessions", implement the State Council's key work division requirements in 2023, thoroughly implement the employment priority strategy, take multiple measures to stabilize and expand employment, and fully promote development and benefit people's livelihood, With the consent of the State Council, the relevant matters regarding the optimization and adjustment of policies and measures to stabilize employment are hereby notified as follows:

1. Stimulate vitality and expand employment capacity

(1) Increase policy support for job expansion in industries and enterprises with strong employment capabilities. Timely sort out the list of enterprises in the region that have strong employment ability and are related to the national economy and people's livelihood and production and supply, equip employment service specialists, and establish a linkage mechanism for job collection, skills training, and job placement. For employment of key groups such as college graduates, "direct subsidy and quick application" and other models will be used to implement policies such as social insurance subsidies, employment subsidies, and vocational training subsidies in a package, provided that the conditions for disbursement are met. Support various localities in issuing local policies in compliance with national regulations to provide strong support for companies in industries with strong employability to expand job supply.

(2) Support financial institutions to carry out job stabilization and job expansion services and loan businesses. Financial institutions are encouraged to issue loans to the real economy and small and micro enterprises that have a large number of employees, have good job stabilization effects, and have standardized employment, and support their job stabilization and expansion. Support financial institutions to optimize the loan approval process, reasonably determine loan limits, increase credit loans and other support on the premise of legal compliance and controllable risks, and provide loan renewal support to qualified small and micro enterprises.

(3) Give full play to the employment doubling effect of entrepreneurship. Focus on the entrepreneurial needs of college graduates, migrant workers and other groups, support them in starting entrepreneurial projects with low investment and low risks, and engage in characteristic operations such as creative economy and personalized customized cultural formats. Implement entrepreneurial guaranteed loans and interest discount policies, simplify guarantee procedures, waive counter-guarantee requirements for qualified implementation, and improve the risk sharing mechanism and bad debt write-off mechanism. Entrepreneurship guaranteed loan borrowers who encounter temporary difficulties in liquidity due to natural disasters or major emergencies can apply for an extension of repayment, with the period in principle not exceeding one year, and the policy implementation period ends on December 31, 2023.

(4) Increase support for skills training. To adapt to the needs of the construction of Digital China, Healthy China, and Manufacturing Power and the industrial development of the region, actively promote various vocational colleges (including technical colleges), vocational training institutions and qualified enterprises to carry out large-scale development of key industries and urgently needed occupations ( Type of work) skills training. Make full use of employment subsidy funds, unemployment insurance funds, special account funds for vocational skills improvement actions, enterprise employee education funds and other funds to carry out training, and provide vocational training subsidies and other support in accordance with regulations. Enterprise employees who have participated in unemployment insurance for more than one year or those who receive unemployment insurance benefits and have obtained a vocational qualification certificate or vocational skill level certificate can apply for skills improvement subsidies. Each person can enjoy the subsidy no more than three times per year. The policy implementation period is until 20

Employment policy, optimize and adjust policies and measures to stabilize employment

2. Expand channels to promote employment and entrepreneurship among college graduates and other young people

(6) Encourage enterprises to attract jobs. If an enterprise recruits college graduates who have not been employed in the year of graduation or two years after leaving school, and young people aged 16-24 who are registered as unemployed and have signed a labor contract of more than one year, a one-time employment subsidy can be issued. The policy implementation period is until December 2023. 31st.

(7) Encourage and guide grassroots employment. Stabilize the recruitment scale of grassroots service projects in 2023 such as the "Three Supports and One Support" plan and the College Student Volunteer Service in the West Plan. Implement the "College Student Rural Doctors" special plan and implement the policy for medical college graduates to apply for registration as rural doctors without taking examinations. Continue to do a good job in helping college graduates find employment and start businesses in urban and rural communities in 2023. For college graduates who find employment in grassroots units below the county level in the central and western regions, difficult and remote areas, and old industrial bases, support such as tuition compensation, national student loan reimbursement, and high-definition wages will be provided in accordance with regulations. For those who are recruited as staff of public institutions, , can be converted to full grade in advance according to regulations.

(8) Support state-owned enterprises to expand their recruitment scale. For state-owned enterprises whose total wages determined according to the wage-benefit linkage mechanism are unable to meet the needs of expanding the recruitment of college graduates, with the consent of the agency that performs the investor's responsibilities or other enterprise competent departments, overall consideration shall be given to the number of college graduates recruited by the enterprise, the natural attrition situation and the existing Depending on factors such as employee salary levels, a one-time increase in staff and capital can be given in 2023, and the increase will be included in the total salary and used as the base of the total salary budget for the next year.

(9) Stabilize the size of positions in government agencies and institutions. Excavate the establishment stock of party and government agencies and public institutions, coordinate natural attrition, increase recruitment efforts, stabilize the recruitment and recruitment of college graduates, and reasonably determine the recruitment and recruitment time.

(10) Implement the 2023 recruitment plan for one million job trainee positions. Extensive mobilization of various enterprises, institutions, social organizations, etc., to recruit no less than 1 million youth trainee positions, and provide trainee subsidies to those who absorb employment trainees, which will be used to pay the basic living expenses of the trainees, apply for personal accident insurance, and provide training for trainees. Personnel guidance and management costs. For those who sign labor contracts with trainees before the trainee period has expired, various localities can provide trainee subsidies for the remaining period. The policy implementation period ends on December 31, 2023.

3. Strengthen assistance and secure the bottom line of people’s livelihood

(11) Strengthen employment assistance for people in need. Reasonably determine and dynamically adjust the identification standards for people with employment difficulties, and promptly include zero-employment families, subsistence allowance families, households out of poverty, the elderly, disabled, long-term unemployed and other people into the scope of assistance. Develop personalized assistance plans, give priority to recommending low-threshold and guaranteed caring positions, provide "one-on-one" employment assistance, and issue one-time job search and entrepreneurship subsidies to qualified graduates with difficulties. For enterprises that recruit people who have been registered as unemployed for more than six months and sign labor contracts for more than one year, a one-time employment subsidy can be issued. The policy implementation period ends on December 31, 2023. For those who find it difficult to find employment through market channels, we will rationally coordinate the placement of public welfare jobs to ensure that at least one person in zero-employment households is employed.

(12) Ensure the basic life of people in need. right

Article Source:Forex website

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